21 October 2010

Stockholm Syndrome

By Haleigh In Non classé

This weekend I took a two hour flight to a not so far off place. Two hours can seem a world away gazing down at your destination through a small portal high in the sky. Touching down there were colder climates, yet people so warm I could have never imagined. Sometime’s someone else’s ordinary is another person’s extraordinary. I am beginning to like it here…


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  2. Marilynka 21 October 2010

    stockholm looks like such an interesting city,I would love to visit someday

  3. Lena 21 October 2010

    Magical is precisely the word! Can’t wait to see more!

  4. splendid market 21 October 2010

    Bon adventure. I love the bike basket (crate) and the “ansjovis”. Enjoy — what a great experience. xo ebh

  5. eli 21 October 2010

    Is Stockholm really that close to Paris by plane? I would be going all the time! I went only once but Ive fallen in love with the place, if I could pick up and leave I would actually move to Stockholm right now, even over Paris.

    There is a store there called Lagerhouse that had so many cool knickknacks for home, I was sad to have had such a small luggage to buy anything.

  6. ClaraAnne 21 October 2010

    I went once when I was much too young to remember! I need to go again, am planning a Scandinavian trip including Copenhagen and Oslo with friends. Can’t wait!

  7. Luisa 21 October 2010

    Nice pictures from Stockholm 🙂 Its a beautiful city!

  8. Arielle Etienne 21 October 2010

    Hi B.B, the photos are (as usual) amazing, the blue tone is so magic! Thanks again for travelling without moving!

  9. Boglarka 21 October 2010

    Amazing pictures! Love the feeling of the city!

  10. Rita 21 October 2010

    Beautiful pictures! Love the tones 🙂


  11. Such beautiful pictures! Love the colors!

  12. surfvintage 21 October 2010

    Amazing pictures as always, sweet colours! I want to go there! my dad was living some time and he really liked it 😉 lucky you!

    I’ve changed my blog’s appearence, hope you like it 😉

  13. Caisa 21 October 2010

    Yaay! My hometown 😀

  14. Anaivilo 21 October 2010

    Looks so great! Wonderful photos you took, I am expecting more 😀 I’ve never been to Stockholm, but I would really love to

  15. Ania 21 October 2010

    so jealous – one of my dream destinations! 🙂 but since a trip to Stockholm in spring is on the cards for me, I’ll impatiently await the next post. please share tips for cozy & beautiful places to go to. xx

  16. Nikki 21 October 2010

    Stockholm is an amazing city <3 the people, fashion and architecture!

    Hope you enjoy your time there! Have fun!

    xo Nikki

  17. Olya Nikol 21 October 2010

    Lately I’m so in everything ‘Sweden’….! Thank you for these lovely shots:) I’m thinking about visiting Stockholm next year, as I have few familiars over there, but I’d love to learn more about the city (and country) before I go:)

  18. Beautiful pictures! Stockholm is one of my must-go-to places so really enjoyed seeing these… more please 🙂

  19. Josefine 21 October 2010

    Woo, go Sweden!! And the pictures are beautiful as always!

  20. Siel 21 October 2010

    Oh Stockholm .. It must be such a great place! With all those fashionable people *sigh*

  21. J. Is A Bird 21 October 2010

    Great shots as always, looking forward to seeing more.


  22. bianca 21 October 2010

    AH Scandinavia is my home for the next month and I am so excited!


  23. Elo 21 October 2010

    Très très jolies images! ; )

    Bisous bisous

  24. Juliana 21 October 2010

    Lovely pictures. I especially love the one with the bike. It gives me a cosy feeling:)

  25. Rachael 21 October 2010

    I agree. And these pictures are beautiful!


  26. I loved this post! The photos, the music… just all about it!


    Desde el Trópico…

  27. marii 22 October 2010

    great pics

  28. LaetiClicClacHop 22 October 2010

    Love your photos Dear !! Thanks for everything ! Can’t wait to welcome you in Lyon !
    See you tomorrow or later !!
    <3 <3

  29. marti la mì 23 October 2010

    hi!I love your blog!my name’s Martina and I come from Italy….I would like you follow my fashion blog and if you like it…follow me! I would like to follow you but my WI-FI isn’t ok and so tomorrow I subscribe on your blog!I wait you and your tips!kiss kiss =P

  30. Carolyn Green 23 October 2010

    Hi Barot in blue,

    Thanks for taking us along on your trip to Stockholm, loved seeing all your photographs.
    Looks like a gorgeous place, really love the old bikes.

    Happy weekend

  31. London & Paris 23 October 2010

    Wow these pictures are so beautiful and look like a little fairytale ^___^
    I adore the sphere in these picture ^_^

    xxx London

  32. Jodyy 23 October 2010

    aww such pretty pictures as always!
    I want to go to Stockholm… 🙁

  33. mpgirrrl 23 October 2010

    beautiful pictures again! You have to love Stockholm. It’s an amazing city!
    And all those bicycles. When I was there I thought I was in heaven!

  34. J. 25 October 2010

    I hope you had a great time! I am from there you know! 🙂

  35. Polienne 26 October 2010

    Stockholm is definitely one of the most prettiest cities I’ve ever been to!

  36. Jess 2 November 2010

    wow! I’m gonna live there for 6months, starting upcoming January .. Makes me so excited to see your pictures, can’t wait to see more!

  37. Sorella 7 November 2010

    How cute, you went to Sweden :D.


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