14 June 2010

Modern Marie

By Haleigh In Non classé

When my mom and my sister came to spend a week or two in Paris for my graduation we took advantage of the weather on one of the first real spring days and went to Versailles. Amazingly enough, as much as I am fascinated by Marie Antoinette and european royal society in general, I had never been to Versailles! I was lucky enough once to take part in an amazing private tour of Vaux le Vicomte, the chateau that inspired Versailles, and had ever since been dying to go but it just never seemed the right time. Vaux le Vicomte was built by one of Louis XIV’s ministers, and when the king saw it he was so jealous he dreamed up a scandal and accused the minister and chateau’s owner of fraud and imprisoned him. Soon after he broke ground on the even grander Versailles, which became then became the primary residence of the royal court. Some of you might recognize this song from the soundtrack of the film Marie Antoinette. I loved it so much I taught myself to play it on the piano.

Versailles is the ultimate example of a French garden. French gardens are all about taming nature, hence the topiaries.

It was such a sunny day a lot of my photos seemed to be a bit washed out.

Looking out over the grounds I felt a little bit like a modern Marie Antoinette.

On the grand canal you can rent little row boats and float around in the sun.

As an experienced rower I had to take over because my ladies in waiting proved unfit for the job.

And of coarse just like Marie had her cherished pug Mops, I brought my little “pug” Poupée so she could see Versailles as well. Mops was taken away from Marie when she came into France from Austria but later on Count Mercy arranged for her pug to be sent to her after her marriage.

After all the extravagance of Versailles Marie Antoinette had a small village in the style of a Norman peasant village constructed on the grounds.

She would escape here to tend to gardens and be closer to the simple things in life.

She loved animals and kept many in and around her little village.

My sister and I noted on the map that there was a convenient macaron icon in the key so one could be sure and pick some of those up at every opportunity. I hope you enjoyed your little trip to the grounds of Versailles. I did not actually visit the palace this time as we ran out of time (Versailles is massive) but I will be back soon. It is free to visit all of the gardens of Versailles and no waiting in line necessary. A little local’s tip from me to all of you would be to visit the gardens on a Monday when the palace is closed. The place feels like it’s all your own as you can picnic along the grand canal and explore all the hidden outdoor corners of this place. 


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  2. Keri 14 June 2010

    Marie would have been proud. Xx

  3. Josi 14 June 2010

    Your life is full of beautiful images

  4. LuxeBytes 14 June 2010

    I am the opposite: I’ve been to the chateau twice but never strolled the gardens. Really hope to rectify that someday.

    Lovely photos. Looks like a wonderful day.

  5. Chrysso 14 June 2010

    That swan picture is surreal! Thanks for the info and mini tour. . . ck 🙂 x

  6. Slim Paley 14 June 2010

    J’aime ce poste!
    I was lucky enough to visit Versailles and Marie Antoinette’s “little village” just a few years ago with my older son and good friends. It was a gloriously hot, hot day and we virtually had the grounds to ourselves. I shall never forget it. Your photos are beautiful- they take me right back to the moment, and the music is lovely as well. Is that you playing the piano?
    Lastly, heels at Versailles??! You’re my new hero! er, Heroine.

  7. dustjacket attic 14 June 2010

    Oh it looks gorgeous, that was so funny about the rowing. Loved the little blue bow in your hair.

  8. Camille 14 June 2010

    I simply adore the way you put your hair up.. wish i knew how!! lovely post enjoed reading it a lot and the pictures are beautiful!

  9. Good girl gone blog 14 June 2010

    Aww I want to come visit!

  10. Nina 14 June 2010

    Lovely, lovely, lovely!

  11. Johanna 14 June 2010

    I LOVE Versailles. Great snaps!

  12. Jodyy 14 June 2010

    Love the images!
    France looks so heavely <3

  13. Carolyn Green 14 June 2010

    Hi Bardot,

    I loved looking at all your wonderful photos, thank you.
    I have never been to Versailles, but next time I will be sure to go.
    Yes, you do look like the modern day, Marie Antoinette.
    Many thanks for visiting my blog and the kind note you left.

    Have a happy week

  14. bravegrrl 14 June 2010

    love that picture of you rowing! you look amazing! and your hair is gorgeous!


  15. elaine 14 June 2010

    I came across your blog the other day, and I absolutely love it.
    Being a bit of a francophile myself, I couldn’t help but read on and on well into the AM.
    It really captures the essence of France.
    My theme for my birthday this year is Marie Antoinette, and it’s going to be marvelous.

    Sophia Coppola- one of my favourite directors.

    You’ve given me something to believe in; that my dreams in going to France aren’t just pipe dreams. Thank you!


  16. Laura 14 June 2010

    Those places look like the perfect fairytale.
    I love the garden, the flowers, the little lake.. and of course, your outfit, very vintage 🙂
    You have an amazing hairstyle too! x

  17. Couture Whore 14 June 2010

    this is truly paradise! the flowers, the rabbits(!) and the cottonlike clouds. take me here. x

  18. Bourgeois Girl 14 June 2010

    i love versaille! ive been there once in summer and im planning a paris trip for new years eve this year, and i cant wait to see versaille in the winter. love your posts, fabulous pics!!


  19. Julia 14 June 2010

    Beautiful pictures from a beautiful and extravagant place! The story of Marie Antoinette is so fascinating. I hope, i’ll visit that place somewhere!

  20. LH 14 June 2010

    wooooooooooow, versailles look amazing ! so big and gorgeous architure… ah i would to have a garden like that 😛

  21. katie 14 June 2010

    This is somewhere I would really love to visit- I almost stayed out there in October last year but stayed in central Paris instead- I must go! So beautiful I can’t wait for you to visit and photograph the Palace. The hotel I discovered was exquisite- Versailles was in the name- I can’t quite remember it…… You look gorgeous as ever.xxxx
    fashion clocked katie.xxxx

  22. Christina 14 June 2010

    Absolutely amazing. It looks like a fairy tale. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Sarah P 14 June 2010

    Gorgeous photos! I love how you styled your hair and put in the blue bow! And I’m dying to go to Versailles, Marie’s “little village” looks so adorable!

  24. Rachel 14 June 2010

    can i just say that i was reading your post and looking at pictures. but i quickly became distracted by your awesome hairstyle! that is so cute!
    that and all the adorable animals, looks like you had a lovely time.

  25. Olivine 14 June 2010

    Whouah ! I love your photos !
    (I’m discovering your blog !)

  26. Beebs 14 June 2010

    i was in paris last Sept and did the full tour- i was enamored and am so obsessed with Marie Antoinette (and anything Paris) 🙂 so divine! brings back wonderful memories…very jealous!

  27. Priscila Gonçalves 14 June 2010

    Hi, lovely girl!
    I´m your brasilian fan!
    I loved all the photos from Versailles. You look like a fairy or a princess! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pictures with us…
    I was in Paris in january, and I want to come back and visit the palace.
    Brazilian kisses and all the best to you!
    Priscila Fonseca

  28. Daphne 14 June 2010

    I love the pictures. As always, you looked wonderful. 🙂
    Je t’aime, Daphne.

  29. Becky 14 June 2010

    I can’t believe I lived in Paris for almost a year and have never been to Versailles, it looks so beautiful! Ooh and if you can find time to let me know your NY (cupcake) recommendations some time before the end of August that would be amazing!

  30. Daniella 14 June 2010

    This is absolutely gorgeous! I made to Paris once, but didn’t make it to Versailles, and one of these days of be back to see it… just gorgeous and I am completely smitten with Marie’s beautiful, little cottage… the idea of creating such a heavenly little, piece of “country life” is so, so inspiring! Makes me want to move to the country!

  31. S.Elisabeth 14 June 2010

    Oh I’m dying to see Versailles. And my friend told me it wasn’t anything impressive, liar! It look so stunning and beautiful! I really must visit Paris! I’ve always adored Marie Antoinette

  32. Ruth 14 June 2010

    Thanks so much for the lovely comment, I’m really glad you like my blog 🙂
    Anyway, wow: Versailles! I’m so jealous. It looks amazing and you look fabulous too, there on the boat (doing a good job I see!)

  33. Renée 14 June 2010

    Wauw beautiful pictures! I love Versailles too, such a wonderful place.

  34. Style, She Wrote 15 June 2010

    Fabulous pictures of Versailles. I hope one day to visit! xo style, she wrote

  35. Clare 15 June 2010

    Beautiful post, seriously, these photos look like they should be in my dreams…

    tweet tweet tweet


  36. Bonjour Romance 15 June 2010

    Bonjour Haleigh,
    Love the shot on the boat with your ladies in waiting. How marvelous that you were able to spend time with your Mom and sister. A great tip to visit when the palace is closed. My honey and I had a picnic there a couple weekends ago – the sun made a rare appearance for us too! I prefer le jardin over the palace, we found our little spot to the far left. There is a little lake and hardly anyone is around.
    Will head over to Bardot Boutique to see your new pieces.
    Bonne semaine,

  37. splendid market 15 June 2010

    Modern Marie — what a lovely day you must have had with your family!! My daughter and I went a couple of years ago — we rented a golf cart to cover the extensive grounds. Even with automation, we didn’t make it into the main castle — but we spent plenty of time in the Queens beautiful Hamlet — I loved that. Was L’Orangarie open when you were there?

    Good job taking the oars over the oars!!

  38. Carla 15 June 2010

    You truly are a modern Marie…old fashioned Marie would not had done the rowing! Thanks for the wonderful tour of Versaille. I didn’t know about the Queens Hamlet, but many years ago I toured the gardens and castle.

  39. Lenka James 15 June 2010

    I love those photos they are beautiful!

  40. Desiree 15 June 2010

    Your photos are exquisite, though I have to say the one with the all the fish kind of freaked me out. I have a weird thing about big fish. So gross.

    -Desiree, Pop-o-matic Deluxe!

  41. Brigitte 15 June 2010

    Your site is terrific! I love your sense of style and the fantastic photos. Glad to discover your wonderful blog, I’ll be back. Have a nice day. Brigitte

  42. glayki 15 June 2010

    Gorgeous photos darling!you look so beautiful!

  43. Amber 15 June 2010

    The photos are beautiful and your dress is lovely!

    And thanx for your sweet comment 🙂

  44. Kimmy 16 June 2010

    Your photos and journeys are as beautiful as they stunning! I truly love the scale of Versailles and must plan a visit there soon.
    I trust you had a lovely time with your mother and sister? You deserve every good thing that is happening for you my dear!
    Take care and keep the lovely images coming please, cheers!

  45. GorgeousGlam 16 June 2010

    Lovely pictures dear! Hope you are well, hugs!

  46. Nereida 16 June 2010

    What beautiful place!! Love it!!
    Sorry, I had have some problems with the Internet…
    PS. Love the shoes in the last post!!

  47. Kit 16 June 2010

    Ma belle Bardot,

    Versailles is lovely and so are you!

    I’ll have to catch up with your plans now that you have graduated…what exciting new ventures are on your horizon?l



  48. PinkBow 16 June 2010

    i loved versailles when i visited last year but didn’t get chance to see the gardens, so this was a good tour for me!

  49. Chrisy 16 June 2010

    It is so wonderful to see Paris through your thoughts and photos. Maybe some day I can see it in person, but until then following your fabulous blog is the next best thing. Thanks for sharing XO Chrisy

  50. robyn 17 June 2010

    you are ADORABLE!

  51. à la parisienne 18 June 2010

    The hamlets are my absolute favorite place to go when I visit Paris (Versailles).
    I love the way you styled your hair and the little blue bow…si adorable!

  52. HazelNut 21 June 2010

    those photos are very neat! my favorite one is of you rowing–I like the camera angle and that neither you nor the other person in the photo is looking. it’s just very cool.

    I hope to go there someday but your photos painted a pretty picture in the meantime!

  53. *Valentine* 6 July 2010

    J’adore Versailles! 🙂


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