22 August 2011

Midnight City

By Haleigh In Non classé


Next stop, New York City. If it’s not the capital of the world, it certainly feels so when the wind blows me back here and all too easily I find my favorite people ready for a night out in this midnight city. I imagine with their familiar faces turning up any place can feel like home. When the sun goes down we go out. Beer gardens, barbecue joints, and Brooklyn rooftops…tonight New York is ours.

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Pictures of Sofia, Samantha, Christophe, Lucy, Ryan, and my Britta. More to come from NYC. Until then wherever you are may the night find you amongst friends and having fun. We’ll talk more this week in facebook, twitter, and tumblr. Kisses!


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  2. absolutelymrsk 22 August 2011

    of course i am not the only one who is going to say this but NYC is my favorite place in the world! we don’t go anywhere else, just NYC because you can be who you want to be! nobody is looking when you are wearing funny clothes, so liberating

  3. Such nice picts! Very spontaneous!
    I have been there a few days ago: it was awesome!

  4. Valentine 22 August 2011

    Speaking of NY, are you by any chance planning to post an article on “les bons plans à NY?” (ex. Nice cafés, best bagels, cool bars and obviously shops!)

    PS Love your blog, I’ve been a silent follower up until now!

    • Haleigh 22 August 2011

      Hi Valentine! If your interested I can definitely share my favorite spots in my next NYC posts! I won’t forget 🙂 Lots of good bakeries, cafes, restos, and shops I have discovered also with the help of my sister who lives here!

  5. Ariell Etienne 22 August 2011

    Wonderful photos…As Madonna song : “I love New York”: “I don’t like cities
    But I like new york, Other places make me feel like a dork…”
    Thanks for this travel, it feels like a Woody Allen movie…Enjoy your holidays Miss Haleigh!

  6. The Dainty Doll's House 22 August 2011

    Fabulous…NY is my fave place back in the states..feels more like home than where I’m actually from in the US, it has such a fantastic vibe!! Love the photos..live it up girlie and have fun!! Wish you a wonderful week 🙂 xoxo Kizzy

  7. Susie 22 August 2011

    I love and miss New York so much! If I can’t stay in London, I think I will surely move there. Such a magical place filled with wonderful people–and your photographs capture all of this beautifully. Hope you’re having lots of fun! xx

  8. Meg 22 August 2011

    Those pumps….! Ah! Looks like you’re enjoying la grosse pomme. I kind of miss it already… I got my fill of eating everything in site it was so delicious! Brooklynite for life.

  9. Britta 22 August 2011

    Plz come back soon!

  10. charline 22 August 2011

    OMG, these pictures are so neat! Love them! 🙂

  11. Laeti Clic Clac Hop 22 August 2011

    Wow, I never put one feet in NYC, but everything I see about it make me want to go there soooo much !!
    Happy to know I’re in Paris ! 😉
    Gros bisous Haleigh

  12. chanteuse chérie 22 August 2011

    have an amazing time! there really is nothing quite like new york.


  13. Lena 22 August 2011

    These photos are absolutely divine-I can practically hear the late night traffic!

  14. Jenny C 24 August 2011

    Haleigh – you have such great taste in music!! I would love to see you do a monthly music mix! Thank you so much for for always being such an inspiration.
    Jenny C


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