24 August 2010

Les Grandes Vacances

By Haleigh In Non classé

It’s that time of year where Paris is empty and everyone heads to warmer locals in search of rest and relaxation. I was lucky enough to get at least a couple days in the Luberon. Everytime I come here I leave a little piece of my heart and fall more in love with this place and life here. I love in the film A Good Year when asked “Are they good memories” about his childhood in the Luberon, Max replies “No…they’re grand.” I couldn’t agree more. I absolutely adore this film and if you don’t know Provence at all, or even if you do like me, it’s a must see movie. This place is magic in all its simplicity. There are no words to describe its enchantment, and no photos that can capture the feeling here. Nevertheless I will try by sharing mine with you in my next couple of posts.

In the village of Lourmarin there are so many cute little apartments…

…in beautiful old buildings.

In late mornings we stop for a café at Chez Gaby.

Usually we have headed into town to pick up some fresh summer’s bounty.

A stop by the boulangerie to pick up some pain au chocolat and bread for lunch and dinner later. Doggies have to wait outside.

That’s where I met this cute little guy.

I imagine what it would be like to have a simple life living year round in the tiny village in an apartment like this one, walking down the street to work every morning.

Each and every time I go I see something I didn’t notice before, like this old paint they are charmingly let fade away above this store.

Many more photos from the south to come. If you haven’t seen my posts from Provence before check out my travel section to catch up. I really enjoyed hearing those of you who have been share your memories of Provence back in those posts.


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  2. Shri 24 August 2010

    I absolutely adore your pictures, there is always something so unique about the details you photograph! The buildings are gorgeous and the little dog is just too cute, smiling at the camera 🙂


  3. Ave 24 August 2010

    I used to live in the village of Roussillon — not far from Lourmarin. Isn’t provence wonderful? The smell of lavender, the sound of the cicadas, the heat….all wonderous things.


  4. dustjacket attic 24 August 2010

    So so wonderful, I would dearly like to visit one day. Looking forward to more pictures, you always have such beautiful shots.
    xoxo DJ

  5. Stylestalker 24 August 2010

    great blog hun xx

  6. Rachel 24 August 2010

    heheh love romance languages. totally deciphered it from spanish “le grande vacacion” the grand vacation. . . or something similar. 🙂 im not a perfect translator but i love the similarities found in the romance lanaguages. anywhoo loove the pup. i really want a cavalier king charles spaniel. . .looks like that pup. i assume hes a spaniel. and the rest looks enchanted as usual. 🙂
    happy monday!

  7. *valentine* 24 August 2010

    Oooooh I love la Provence so much !
    We went soooo many times to Saint Tropez, or le Lubéron, Cap Estérel…with my parents, when I was a kid.
    I love south of France : so pretty and relaxing.
    Le chant des cigales, l’odeur de la lavande…..

    ‘ezhjjjjjjkkkkkkkkj (<< you have the Hello from Batman 😉

    Next Friday, I leave for 4 days in the south, but near Perpignan, in my family's boyfriend.
    Sea, swimming pool…..CAN'T WAIT !!!!

    and I wish you're not too sad for coming back :'(

  8. Wonderful pictures !
    I’ll have to wait next Friday to go on holidays ! Lucky you 🙂

  9. Not A Paper Cup 24 August 2010

    I really love your blog posts :)..and that little dog is so cute!

  10. chrysso 24 August 2010

    yikes – your blog makes me want to go to France sooooooooooooooooooo much!! ck 🙂 x

  11. Laeti 24 August 2010

    MMMM, you’re photos are so great !!!!!!!! I’m almost in Provence for now, but, in couple of days i’ll be there !! Thank you for sharing and for giving un “avant-gout” of my real holidays !!
    bisous !

  12. Nina 24 August 2010

    Oh this is so beautiful. Travelling to Provence is my dream. I work with Loccitane cosmetics which comes from Provence so we have lots of beautiful pictures of Provance in our cosmetic boutique. I dream about it every day at work.

  13. Joanaddicted 24 August 2010

    Hei beautiful lady. I’m so excited to having found your blog. I used to live in Paris and in Lille, and i must definitely say that small villages rock big time!! i almost cry with the beauty of your pictures!!! And oh my god this movie is my fav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kiss kiss 😉

  14. i hope you have a lovely holiday! i am in need of one so badly. i may pick up and leave! hope to hear from you soon.


  15. good girl gone blog 24 August 2010

    that puppy is so cute!

  16. Lena 24 August 2010

    I’m in heaven! And that puppy is absolutely adorable! Can’t wait to see more!

  17. Rhitbee 24 August 2010

    what a pretty puppy! gorgerous pics as always.

  18. katie 24 August 2010

    such beautiful photos as always lady! Looks like such a sweet place. I am so pleased you are having an enjoyable summer… oh and watch this space- I have bought a macaroon book so hope to be baking my own at some stage! kisses katie.xx
    fashion clocked

  19. PinkBow 24 August 2010

    oh this looks right up my street too! i often wonder about a simpler life.

  20. Barbara 25 August 2010

    Adorable photos!! 🙂

  21. French Kissed 25 August 2010

    As if I didn’t already want to move there!!!!!!!…your photos confirm my desire…so wonderful and so glad you are able to go so often. Love all the blues and that cute little doggie!

  22. J. 25 August 2010

    Adorable pics, I wish I could be there too! And wow, that little guy sure is cute!

  23. Lovely pictures! This place seems perfect to rest!

  24. Joana Faria 25 August 2010

    So beautiful!
    I have been to Provence a few times and these pictures bring back wonderful memories…
    Thank you for posting.

  25. sublimes photos!

  26. hamptontoes 25 August 2010

    What lovely images…just gorgeous! Loved my visit!

  27. samantha 26 August 2010

    beautiful photos throughout your blog!

  28. Paloma 26 August 2010

    ooouh I really really love your blog! specially the photos on the post before, they’re great.


  29. janettaylor 26 August 2010

    J’adore! 🙂

  30. Sarah 26 August 2010

    I visited Saint Remy this summer. It’s faded and chic and beautiful too. Your lovely pictures sent me right back there! xx


  31. Laura 29 August 2010

    Alo Bardot! I am sooo living vicariously through your pictures….until I can go to france that is! I made a little post in my blog about my cute cat figure that I bought in your shop 🙂 http://lauracruz.wordpress.com/2010/08/28/also/ Bye bye!

  32. Betty 30 August 2010

    Bonjour Mlle. Bardot :)!!
    I adore that movie!!! It makes us just want to go to the airport and get on a plane and GO and never come back! We saw it again recently and I fell in love with it all over again!

    Thank you for the pictures of your lovely vacance! It is like I have been on vacation with you, if only for a few minutes!

    Wishing you a wonderful week,


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  34. Tia 1 September 2010

    Provence is such a beautiful place, would love to go back one day!

  35. Café Bellini 2 September 2010

    These are all gorgeous photos! Your holiday reminds me of my very short trip to the Cote d’Azur in August, I had a lovely time 🙂


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