1 September 2010


By Haleigh In Non classé

Summer time and the livin’ is easy…If you have been reading Bardot in Blue for a while then you already know my love for eating well. Luberon life in the summer is one of leisure, taking the time to enjoy all the delicious things in life is one of my greatest pleasures when I am there. Fresh produce, big brunches, sipping rosé pool side, and the local restaurants or the tastiest part of summer in Provence…

Freshly sliced nectarines and mint…

Ice cream to cool off…

Dinner at my favorite Lourmarin Michelin Star restaurant, La Récréation

More wine from the region and homemade tartes and ice cream…

Afterwards it’s nice to head to rooftop bar La Maison Café for an after dinner drink and some live music…

A full moon tucked behind the clouds on the walk back to the house after a summer night in town…

…and a photo of the sunflower field I took at night with an extremely long exposure. They glow in the moonlight…like a painting. C’est un peu Van Gogh n’est ce pas?



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  2. cashmere pearls 'n' boots 1 September 2010


  3. Lena 1 September 2010

    How absolutely divine.

  4. Carol 1 September 2010

    Thanks so much Bardot for sharing your vacation pictures with us.

    Everything looks beautifully romantic, and the food, of course, looks yummy!

  5. Carolyn Green 1 September 2010

    Hi Bardot,

    More wonderful snaps and thanks for showing us your romantic holiday.
    I am with you there, love eating well too and love the nectarines and tarte and ice cream.
    I have the same bee glasses at home in my kitchen.

    Happy September

  6. janettaylor 1 September 2010


  7. Valentine 1 September 2010

    C’est très Van Gogh, indeed !!! 😉
    Tes photos sont sublimes : on a l’impression d’être avec toi en Provence…..

    Tu retransmets bien les moments capturés et tes émotions de l’instant.

    Can’t wait to play “Serena & Blair” with you !!! haha
    On aura des macarons Ladurée?? 🙂

    YAY !!!!

  8. Laeti 1 September 2010

    C’est très beau !!!! Et ça a l’air super bon !!


  9. free style music 1 September 2010

    Lovely! Very well-done! 🙂

  10. Glayki 1 September 2010

    J’aimerais Voyage en Provence. Les plats look incroyable et douce aussi!

  11. barbielaura 1 September 2010

    Lovely lovely!!!

  12. chrysso 1 September 2010

    loving that last pic! And that post has made me really really hungry!! ck 🙂 x

  13. Purses Pastries Etc... 1 September 2010

    This all looks so incredibly yummy!! I think I really need to munch on a cookie right now 🙂

  14. Joana Faria 1 September 2010

    Wonderful photographs.
    I’m about go on holiday tomorrow and this is just inspiring.
    Lots of love,
    Jo xx

  15. melissa 1 September 2010

    OMG! I’ve just discovered your blog and I really love it! You, your blog and your pics are wonderful! I’ll follow you!


  16. Barbara 1 September 2010

    Oh looks like a lovely time 🙂

  17. koralee 2 September 2010

    Oh my dear…this all looks to good to be true. Those french sweets are really calling my name. One day I will get there and I am sure I will eat everything in sight. xoxoxo

  18. surfvintage 2 September 2010

    Congrats! excellent pictures! and soo lovely romper the last outfit ;D

  19. alice 2 September 2010

    your photography is always so dreamy!! i was watching amelie yesterday (again) and it has that same romantic feeling that makes me want to move to paris NOW!

    alice / HOT WINTER

  20. Threesmallapples 2 September 2010

    I’m just like you, I can’t stop taking pictures of food!!


  21. GorgeousGlam 2 September 2010

    Have I told you lately how happy visiting your blog makes me with all of it’s gorgeouness! Love the wonderful pics my dear 😉 kiss kiss


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