3 September 2010


By Haleigh In Non classé

It’s always so hard to take the Sunday night train back to Paris and leave the Luberon behind. The thing I always miss the most is being outdoors in fresh air and nature. Moving from California I never understood how much I would miss that, and even now I never fully realize until I am outside in Provence listening to crickets and birds chirp, feeling the sun on my skin and the mistral winds blow through my hair. At the end of the summer I always feel a bit anxious, like I didn’t take full advantage of the time or the weather and it’s almost as if I begin missing these moments before they have even passed. Click play to hear Brigitte sing her darling little song about summer’s end…

I must give credit where credit is due, so merci beaucoup to Marc and Pierre who took about half of these photos. I hope your summertime was filled with magic, peace, and some dreams no matter how big or small that came true.


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  2. Lena 3 September 2010

    When I first moved to San Francisco, I had no idea how much I would need green spaces and fresh air. We traded a longer commute to work for a 2 minute trip to the beach and eucalyptus in the air!

  3. Carolyn Green 3 September 2010

    Hi Bardot,

    Listening to Brigitte sing that sweet song and looking at your gorgeous photos was a delight.
    Thank you for sharing and I love the beautiful natures photographs and the lovely ones of you.

    Have a happy weekend and hope that the sun will be around some more for you.

  4. janettaylor 3 September 2010

    Ooooh Honey! Lovely pics as always, my fave is the last one!

  5. audrey marie 3 September 2010

    love your swimsuit! and all your photos – beautiful!

  6. Valentine 3 September 2010

    Tu es trop belle, Serena ! 😉

    Je suis toujours triste pour toi que tu sois triste de ne pas habiter là bas….c’est dur !
    Courage, et à dimanche!

  7. Laeti 3 September 2010

    Well, imagine, when you live there the full year, you don’t realize how lucky you are !! I say that by experience ! It’s just when I moved to Lyon, London then Paris that I was able to say “my God, my region is soooooo beautiful…!!”

    Les photos sont sublimes !!! Tu as de la chance d’avoir de si bons photographes à ta portée !

    Bisous et à dimanche !! 😉

  8. .Jessica. 3 September 2010

    That is the classiest and most chic bathing suit! What incredible pictures to make us really feel like we were there too.

  9. cashmere pearls 'n' boots 3 September 2010

    i absolutely adore that white swimsuit. the one piece is so classic and chic. and oh those sunflower fields…i was just looking through pictures of sunflower gardens yesterday to cheer myself up.

  10. Barbara 3 September 2010

    this are such wonderful pictures!!! so relaxing

  11. sohippiechic 3 September 2010

    Ces photos sont juste magnifiques ! J’adore celle du champs de tournesol !

  12. Erin 3 September 2010

    Oh Darling Bardot…..these lovely photos make me miss summer already!!!

    XO, Erin

  13. A Thousand Clapping Hands 4 September 2010

    I enjoyed following you through your glorious summer, Haleigh. Can’t wait to see what awaits you in Paris this fall.
    Catherine xx

  14. les métamorphoses d'alice 4 September 2010

    tu es sublime, bon je me repete beaucoup!
    sublime ces photos!

  15. Miss C 4 September 2010

    Your pictures are stunning! Great! AMAZING.

  16. Lady Moriarty 4 September 2010


    J’adore ton maillot de bain, il est ravissant et tu es magnifique !

    Sinon, oui j’ai reçu les illustrations. Je les ai placées autour de mon énorme miroir ancien. Elles sont magnifiques, merci beaucoup !

    See U !

  17. Daphne 4 September 2010

    Ohh hello sweetie! I’m back and missed you so much! Will catch up on all your lovely posts I’ve missed now.:) xx
    Love Always,

  18. Renée 4 September 2010

    Ooh I want your bathing suit!!

  19. Elo 5 September 2010

    Tu es trés jolie et tes photos aussi! : )
    Ton maillot est adorable!

  20. JustAnotherLondoner 5 September 2010

    I spent 3 weeks in Provence in July-it was wonderful there, and your photos remind me of it! Gotta love the sun…

  21. kiss.mequick 5 September 2010

    I love this. so inspiring.

    xxx kissmequick

  22. Chrisy 5 September 2010

    Summer is ending here too in the mountains of Payson Az. . So happy you could enjoy a little get a way. Your photos are always so amazing. Hope you send us some wonderful fall window shopping in Paris soon? Always sweet to visit with you. Hugs Chrisy

  23. Barbara 5 September 2010

    Such adorable pics!

  24. Ola 7 September 2010

    I love those pictures, there is a bit of notalgy about summer in each of them, particulary the last one

  25. Styleabaad 7 September 2010

    Oh I love these pictures! And your swimsuit is just gorgeous! xoxo

  26. I love your pictures. Luberon is such a wonderful place. I love to spend the week end there

  27. Arantza 29 September 2010

    Your blog is really beautifull!!
    very nice pictures and good inspirations!
    Now you have another “blogger” following you, 😉



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