13 August 2014

Le Moulin Bregeon

Linières-Bouton, France
By Haleigh In Non classé

At the beginning of our travels in France, Audrey and I hit the road to Le Moulin Bregeon. I had been planning this little visit for a while since being put in touch with the Moulin’s owner, Jonathan, by friends in the Loire. I’m a sucker for the storybook life which is part of the reason I love living in France. Being a drive away from places like the Loire where fairytales feel quite real. During our stay there one word kept coming to mind: connection. A few days at the Moulin suddenly made me so aware of just how detached we can be in the city and suburban life. We seem so disconnected from knowledge about the sources of the food we eat, knowing and caring about the people we live amongst, the impact of our own consumption and actions day-to-day, unaware of animals and nature with such limited exposure. Every time I return to the countryside all of that changes. My senses come alive from the little sounds of bugs, to the smell of damp foliage. I think about the things I put in the trash and down the drain and where they end up, as I watch the little stream from the kitchen window and the ducks swimming in it. I think about the things I’m eating and the care it took to grow them. When was the last time you ate something cooked for you by the same people who grew it? Greatness at the Moulin is in the simple things, like the feat of eating a delicious potato salad made from potatoes and green onions grown in the garden, and even mayonaise made fresh from eggs laid by the free ranging chickens earlier that morning. Fresh is not sufficient enough a word to describe the taste of such a thing, nor delight to describe the joy of eating it. Bliss is more like it. There are not many rules at the Moulin but the ones in place are important: respect nature, respect animals, respect people. Encompassed in that is composting and recycling. But what is this Moulin more precisely than a harmonious little community that is beautiful and delicious? A moulin in French is an old mill, and artist Jonathan Scott Robinson bought this one about twenty years ago. It has been a labor of love ever since, one he shares with both the people who come to work here and call it home, and also with guests visiting for retreats of all kind of just travels. In the western Loire you’ll find it down a little dirt road between fields of sunflowers and some cows along the way. The property has several buildings, some already restored and inviting guests, and others works in progress or waiting for funding or the perfect idea. Five luxury suites already host guests for corporate retreats, antique excursions, culinary courses and more. Above all Jonathan sees the Moulin as an esthetic refuge, a place that preserves the beauty of French architecture, food, art, and more too often left to ruin or replaced by modernism even in France.

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon


The moulin is home to 6 geese, 5 ducks, 5 turkeys, 1 rooster, and 7 hens. They’re all free-ranging and lovingly raised. Figaro the chocolate lab was born here at the Moulin. His mother lived her life here as well. He gets along perfectly with all the birds and other animals, and all the guests, spending his days napping and popping around to say hi and check on everyone. We visited Jonathan’s studio to see his gorgeous oil pastels and paintings in the works. You can view more of his work on his website. Nicole, one of the resident sous chefs for the summer is also pictured in the garden before dinner. The garden is 1200 square ft. and grows tomatoes, fennel, basil, parsley, cilantro, pumpkin, squash, lettuce, potatoes, rosemary and so much more. Farm to table is a way of life at the Moulin. What doesn’t come from the garden, comes from local farmers often just up the road. The eggs come from the the chickens directly at the Moulin as well. Nicolas, is the master of the garden who is pictured relaxing with Figaro before another amazing dinner. Jonathan and company are also hard at work on renovating the nearby village and have a grand vision for a beautiful community for even more retreats and living where people value art, nature, food, and all the good things in life.

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon

Le Moulin Bregeon


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  2. splendid market 13 August 2014

    just heavenly.

  3. Sophia Charles 13 August 2014

    Beautiful pictures! You look amazing in that dress!

    Sophia // sophiebysophia.blogspot.com

  4. Mimmi 13 August 2014

    Wow, what a magical place. I’d love to go there. My dream is to live in a house in the countryside and be partly self-supporting, so to see a place lake that would be so inspiring. It already is inspiring through your stunning pictures!

  5. Synne 13 August 2014

    This place looks and sounds truly magical! I’ve grown up in rural surroundings where the milk on the table often comes straight from a happy cow, and there is something very special about the simple life in the country. I feel all warm inside looking at these dreamy photos, Haleigh.

  6. mariell. 13 August 2014

    wow, incredible photographs darling!

  7. Oh my goodness, this looks so dreamy!! x

  8. India Alexandra 13 August 2014

    Utterly enchanting … A beautiful post which only makes me want to jump onto a plane and head straight there !

    India x

  9. Dabay 13 August 2014

    This is absolutely magnificent, Haleigh! I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, but these photographs truly speak volumes. The light of dusk, the gorgeous fresh food – what a dream. How fortunate you are to have stayed here. It looks like it’s straight from a storybook!


  10. Mariah 13 August 2014

    Wow. I have no words for the beauty here. I just can’t believe what an amazing little place you found!

  11. Jessica M 14 August 2014

    This looks sounds and feels like my absolutely DREAM. These images are beyond gorgeous — that sunset!!! This is definitely on my list to stop by for the next time I’m in France.

  12. Elissa 14 August 2014

    You nailed it Haleigh. So many people nowadays are disconnected from the basics of life. Work, stress, and the need to consume more than what really is needed has everyone moving about like robots or cogs in a machine. I find that every time I visit Paris now, I’m always looking for ways out of the city to the country. The Loire and Normandy being my favorite. My husband and I are slowly transitioning our lives to be like that of Le Moulin Bregeon, but set in Maine. We recently purchased 50 acres of meadows and forest in hopes to one day open our own BnB/farm/retreat center. But…for now we will continue that city existence in DC, knowing that it’s only temporary and that our sanctuary in the country awaits in the future.

  13. Julie 14 August 2014

    OH MY GOODNESS, This place is so beautiful, I would LOVE to see it someday when I go to France. Right now, I’m a broke college student at the moment. It is true though that people are disconnect from the countryside because we are living in near future where more technology advance and change everybody lifestyle. Soon, the old ruins will disappear. The only way that these places can exist is to preserve the culture and influence by people hopefully. I’m not an expect or anything haha, just my thought.

  14. Amber via Amused 15 August 2014

    Everything looks perfect. I could easily move in for a month or more!

  15. Hannah Hoskins 16 August 2014

    Looks like heaven. A dream-land. x

  16. Melissa Cuentas 16 August 2014

    That’s just heavenly! I would love to go there and explore it on my own someday! Very beautiful photos that have captured amazing moments with memories! Love it! Big love, kisses and hugs to you!

  17. Meg 17 August 2014

    This seriously is so dreamy. I want to go!

  18. […] This little getaway on Haleigh’s blog in the Loire has got me craving a weekend away […]

  19. Stéphanie 18 August 2014

    Quel endroit magnifique! C’est une adresse à conserver précieusement!

  20. Diana 19 August 2014

    This looks like such a fantastic lifestyle! I’d do anything to live and work in France. Such stunning photos!

  21. Laeti 19 August 2014

    Je suis admirative devant des personnes qui arrivent à vivre ainsi ! Et je suis complètement sous le charme de tes photos Haleigh !! <3
    Tu ne cesses de t'améliorer, c'est fou !!


  22. maria 21 August 2014

    so happy for you haleigh! that’s the way it should be!
    xo maria

  23. Kiara King 23 August 2014

    You know what, I really love the way each of your articles is a well-told story, so that we, your readers, can experience moments like these. And it is exactly what you say, a true fairytale.

    Being from Australia, we don’t have those incredible fairytale-like castles, though we do have few historic cottages and buildings. After reading this post, I definitely need to find out if there is something like this we can do here. I could definitely do with a country escape right about now!


  24. Abigail Lumiere 28 August 2014

    I dream of living in a place like this <3 It's good to know that dreams are real 😉

  25. Paola Lauretano 3 September 2014

    Amazing pics… I love the first!!!
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC?
    Kisses darling!!!

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  27. laura 24 December 2014

    I love your blog so much!!


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