25 November 2012

Loire et Cher

Monteaux, France
By Haleigh In Non classé

No two journeys can ever be the same, but there’s comfort in knowing where you’re going and how you’re getting there. There’s a list of the places I’ve been that I always hoped to go again. The Loire et Cher and especially Chateau du Portailwere some of these. My mom first took me here, and a magic place it was. I wanted to go back in a new way, in a new season, and with someone special to share it with. So I just did just that…a quick trip from sunset to sunset, chateau to Chenonceaux. Everything in between was just as I remember and better than I could have re-imagined it…

Chateau du Portail 3

the grounds of Chateau du Portail

Cléo, the jack russel puppy 3

autumn leaves 1

Inside at Chateau du Portail

autumn leaves

Cléo, the jack russel puppy 4

Autumn at Chateau du Portail

Chateau du Portail 5

Chateau du Portail 6

Cléa, the jack russel puppy 2

Zara hat, James Jeans, Asos back pack, Moonchild sweater, Morrocan boots

Asos backpack, Zara hat, James Jeans, Moonchild sweater, Moroccan boots gifted to me by Imogen

Monteaux in the Loire Valley, France

vintage car on an old road 2

small town in the Loire Valley 3

sunset at Chenonceaux 3

sunset at Chenonceaux 4

Asos backpack, Zara hat, James Jeans, Moonchild sweater, Moroccan boots gifted to me by Imogen

Ron at Chenonceaux 4

sunset at Chenonceaux 2


  1. Leave a Reply to Ajit Karan Singh Shekhawat Cancel reply

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  2. Ylenia 25 November 2012

    Those puppies! <3<3
    Beautiful photos as always, makes me wanna go to that place so much 🙂

  3. Synne 25 November 2012

    There are, hands down, some of the most beautiful autumn photos I’ve ever seen. What a captivating place. Wow!

  4. Melissa Cuentas 25 November 2012

    OMG! What a beautiful place, I’ve always wanted escape from real life and go to these kind of magic places! This is going to be on my “places-to-go” list now!

    Beautiful photos! Kisses!

  5. Veselina 25 November 2012

    OHH!!!This pictures and this place are fairytale 🙂

  6. Sarah 25 November 2012

    Ake me with you! What lovely ad enchanting pictures!

  7. erika 25 November 2012

    just perfection. you, the place, the pics, the lights, the cute dog…your words.

  8. Meg 25 November 2012

    Pure magic. Those boots are oh so lovely.

  9. French Kissed 26 November 2012

    been waiting for this post and it did not disappoint…I love the Loire and Chateau du Portail in any season, but I am about to decide that it is most stunning in Autumn…gorgeous images and you and R look adorable!

  10. Puput 26 November 2012

    sooo beautiful……I’m amazed ^^

  11. joy 26 November 2012

    these are utterly magical!

  12. noreen 26 November 2012

    What a beautiful place to live out a dream. Everything is just perfect.

  13. Diane, A Broad 26 November 2012

    Oh my god. I just cannot deal with how beautiful this is.

  14. Isa 26 November 2012

    Beautiful photos – and so so cute! Also, you have the tiniest feet ever!


  15. Elissa Shaw 26 November 2012

    Just love Chateau du Portail. Had a wonderful experience there last summer. Your photos bring back lovely memories of the time I spent there with my dear hubby!

  16. Caitlin 26 November 2012

    You could make a seriously gorgeous book from all of your photos – beautiful!

  17. Tanja 26 November 2012

    love those picutres, looks like a different world! Awesome locations 🙂

  18. teawiththemoon 27 November 2012


  19. Britta 27 November 2012

    beautiful post, Haleigh! xx

  20. Eryn 29 November 2012

    Wow, remarkable!

  21. Susie 21 December 2012

    Love your boots and that Jack Russell puppy is precious! Beautiful photos as always. Merry Christmas, Hayleigh!

  22. Ajit Karan Singh Shekhawat 28 December 2012

    I like this place, amazing photography

    Kind Regards from
    Rajasthan, India


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