29 November 2011

Fort Green

Fort Greene, Brooklyn
By Haleigh In Non classé

I love exploring new neighborhoods of places I already know well. We spent the day in Fort Green, Brooklyn last weekend enjoying the Saturday flee market and strolling around. Fort Green is one of those places that makes me think of what I like to call “my many alternative lives.” When I visit somewhere new I always try to imagine what it would be like to live there, and here I imagine life would be splendid. A casual historic neighborhood, calm but not far from the city, with beautiful wooded parks, friendly families with smiles on their faces, and no shortage of charming shops or cafes. I get so caught up in my Parisian path through life. Then I suddenly find myself back home in the states dreaming of putting it all up for sale, gathering what’s left  of it and going back to some version of where I came from. It’s a funny paradox making your dreams come true abroad, committing whole heartedly to them, and then stumbling upon new dreams altogether in corners of New York boroughs you never knew existed. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll marry a nice man and raise kids here, and be nearer again to my beautiful sister. Just a bit of coming of age rambling. I’m back in Paris now dealing with the reality of winter that has set in, not for long though as I leave for another adventure to somewhere far away I have never been before on Friday. I am starting to wonder if all this jet-setting lately is just me avoiding figuring out more important things.




















  1. Leave a Reply to Deanne @ Delighted Cancel reply

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  2. lens & anything else 29 November 2011

    reading your blog and watching the images is always a pleasure…and about existential crises….we all have in ;)!

    kisses from italy, @http://lensanythingelse.blogspot.com/

  3. Abigail 29 November 2011

    That doggy is precious! Love the velvety bow too <3

  4. eleni 29 November 2011

    amazing pictures! love them 🙂 xx


  5. Eleanor 29 November 2011

    Gorgeous images as always!
    It’s funny how we find ourselves perpetually wondering what lies ahead. I think it keeps us interesting and consistently evolving to let the mind wander as such.

  6. Cat 29 November 2011

    I love your shoes! Red is the perfect colour 🙂

  7. Joy 29 November 2011

    again this is absolutely beautiful!

  8. good girl gone blog 29 November 2011

    OMG, that puppy. I just want to snuggle with it!

  9. Gorgeous Glam 29 November 2011

    Sounds like beautiful dreams dear! As long as we have dreams we have life! Love the photos and your new Zara scarf! hugs -Taj

  10. Lena 29 November 2011

    I feel the same way about our life in SF-it’s everything we wanted it to be, but being so far from everyone we love is almost physically painful sometimes. Here’s to tree lined streets, wherever they might be!

    • Febrianae 21 May 2012

      onestamente,i resident evil vchcei li ho provati tutti sul gamecube, e posso dire ke l unica cosa che odiavo di questi giochi erano quei ***** di enigmi, per me soppravivere agli zombi vuol dire essere in citta o in una villa infestata da zombi e sparare per soppravivere ,non trovare una chiave con uno stemma e capire quale porta apre, comunque sono daccordo sul fatto che invece di fare uno sparatutto sui binari potevano essere dei remake dal n 0 al CODE VERONICA ,se poi riescono a darci un RESIDENT EVIL 5 per wii meglio ancora anke a costo di cambiare qualcosa sia a livello grafica e giocabilita

  11. Deanne @ Delighted 30 November 2011

    That dog is just beautiful!

    I think one of the exciting things about the future is all the possibilities it holds. It’s lovely to dream about the things that might be. Life holds so many unexpected joys and takes us places we’d never dreamed of.

    Thanks for another lovely post!

  12. Meg 30 November 2011

    PRETTY!!!! I miss Brooklyn…

  13. PinkBow 30 November 2011

    i haven’t been doing much blog reading of late (with one thing and another) but then i properly caught up with everything you have been up to lately… and i felt a sense of pride for all that you have achieved lately. your apartment is stunning and the blog is looking even more fantastic. hope you’re well x

  14. jasmine 30 November 2011

    As a girl who also moved to paris from a big city, yr post really spoke to me 🙂 its exactly how i feel about Paris and my home. and my sister lives in the US too! X

  15. yael 1 December 2011

    what you mention of alternative lives, reminds me of a saying i read in a magazine; that the universe has no center. there are many possible realities for us and therefore ‘lives’. i was so caught up in my early 20’s searching , searching to find something, some place that i didn’t realize each one is special (although some more than others 🙂 ) i recently moved back to US from Paris and now want to go back. we always want something else and see the good qualities in change. it’s very hard for me to want what i have when i have it. if it makes you feel alive it’s worth it!

  16. The Dainty Doll's House 1 December 2011

    Such a wonderful place, I do adore New York as well!! Love the leaves on the trees..always my favourite!! Keep enjoying flower! Wish you a great rest of the week 🙂 xx

  17. Ben 1 December 2011

    I love these pics, really beautiful, take a look at this french video show about fashion, you may like it :
    Zap Mode

  18. Kristina 1 December 2011

    Looks like a really pretty place and I think it is the same old story. Once you live your dream you dream of something else 🙂 I know what I am talking about – always restless 🙂
    Have a great trip to Cape Town, so looking forward to see your lovely pictures!

  19. […] Making Magique‘s posts on Brooklyn are really making me miss it! […]

  20. Splendid Market 3 December 2011

    Never been to that section of NY, thanks for taking us along. Looking forward to hearing about the new adventure, I’m sure you are on the right path, just follow…

  21. Andrea 5 December 2011

    lovely pics 🙂

  22. Beauty Follower 6 December 2011

    Nice picts, love your shoes!

  23. Laurelas 30 December 2011

    Wonderful pictures ♥ thanks for sharing!


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