Autumn on the eastern seaboard has enough color to make a California girl like me simply giddy. This season in Paris is beautiful, but there is nothing quite like the fall colors of the east coast. Thus what a joy it’s been to frequent many times this year. To most people New York is the city that never sleeps or ceases to bustle, but I’m a Brooklyn girl. I keep my cool in this calmer borough enjoying time with my family this time for Thanksgiving. Tonight we are setting up the Christmas tree. So happy I will be back next month for Christmas to enjoy it!
27 November 2011
Autumn in New York
Brooklyn, New York
Looks like such a lovely time! NYC is gorgeous in the fall, I was watching When Harry Met Sally last night and the clothes and colors are perfect for autumn in that film!
the last picture of you is beautiful! your hair looks amazing in this sunlight
yep i am a Manhattan girl, you cannot get me of the Island! but this time i am going to make an exception! i just have to see Williamsburg! we go like twice a year, now we are going with new years eve! you are right about the colors, every time i am in nyc i am looking up (like most tourists) not to see the buildings but to see the trees! especially in the west village! and yes the lightning is perfect too! oh so you will be there for Christmas; we once were there for Christmas and it wasn’t all that! the islands is closed one day a year, so we had to eat room service and the weather wasn’t all that good either
Such beautiful photos.
gorgeous gorgeous photos
Beautiful photos
beautiful pictures!! i love your coat! its amazing
Gorgeous moments!! x
those moments are insanely awesome
Love this post…
Mmmm food ! I don’t find east coast autumn half as striking as Paris autumn though !
Ahh, autumn. I’m lucky to live with four seasons. Still, your photos remind me to stop and savour all of the beauty around us at this time of year!
I agree with you, it’s beautiful here with all fall colors and sunshine… Sweden is very grey this time of year so I enjoy every day here in Philadelphia. It looks like you had a great time with your family!
i absolutely LOVE NYC, and i’m dying to see it in the fall. next year hopefully!
your pics are beautiful!
these photographs are great!
A very lovely way to spend Thanksgiving. I love the decorations and the food -mmm.
I hope you had a wonderful time with your family. Looks lovely.
I just know your blog with Valentine. And I thank them because your blog is simply beautiful, clean, grade, everything I love. Your style is more than pretty …
Finally, it is a pleasure to discover such beautiful places …
I wish you a beautiful day, with pleasure.
Thank you so much Margaux! I am glad you appreciate the blog here and so happy to have you as a reader
Oh, I can’t tell you how I miss autumn on the East Coast! These photos capture it perfectly!
I love the photos
Beautiful pics! Un rêve les yeux grands ouverts …
questione di gusti non puoi dire quale toiloigpa di gioco pi bella, pertanto ti dico che ai puristi e cio’ agli amanti della serie r.evil piacciono di pi i primi pubblicati quelli zeppi di enigmi e difficolt alle stelle. A me piacerebbe giocare ad un r.evil bilanciato tra enigmi ma quelli tosti e ben fatti e azione ma senza sottovalutare la spettacolarit ecco io questo mi aspetterei da un buon gioco sopratutto da una serie cos importante come r.evil
Amazing photos, as always ♥
All seasons would be really perfect in New York. It’s not because I’ve been in that place all year but when I visited that city, I can city that everything is just there and all you have to do is enjoy yourself. Any maybe my top reason is that I fell in love in that city the first time I set my eyes there. I just love New York!