4 October 2012

Parole Parole

Basilicata, Italy
By Haleigh In Non classé

Every flavor of gelato imaginable around every corner, cloud shadows and sunshine from hilltop views, quiet churches used for over a thousand years, paddle boat afternoons on volcanic lakes, late night walks in cobblestone streets under full moons…I could try to describe to you the magic of this beautiful place, Basilicata, but as the Italians says it would just be “parole parole”words words…so I’ll show you instead…

countryside view over Basilicata, Italy 1

gelato in Baslicata, Italy 2

madonna in a cathedral in Basilicata, Italy 1

volcanic lakes in Baslicata, Italy 2

Italian pastries in Basilicata, Italy3

sunset view over the countryside in Basilicata, Italy

italian pastries in Baslicata, Italy

Matera in Basilicata, Italy by night 3

Italian cobblestone streets of Irsina in Basilicata, Italy 1

gelato in Baslicata, Italy 1

volcanic lakes in Baslicata, Italy 3

Matera in Basilicata, Italy by night 2

Italian pastries in Basilicata, Italy1

Sassi of Matera in Basilicata, Italy


  1. Leave a Reply to Haleigh Cancel reply

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  2. erika 4 October 2012

    I’m so proud of being italian for all this beauty……

  3. eleni 4 October 2012

    amazing photography as always..! xx


  4. Faye 4 October 2012

    These photos make me want to go to Italy so badly and try the real Gelato. Have you been to Grom yet in Paris? Does it compare to the gelato in Italy? The sunset is truly stunning 🙂

  5. Sarah O'Brien 4 October 2012

    your photos are lovely.

  6. myromanstyle 4 October 2012

    oh looks lovely!
    kisses from rome***

  7. Maria 5 October 2012

    Oh my goodness gracious, this makes me so hungry. It looks so good!

  8. Le Fresne 5 October 2012

    So beautiful, its my dream to visit Italy. The scenery, food and people all seem divine, and you’ve done a wonderful job capturing them.

    le fresne x

  9. pernille 5 October 2012


  10. Sophie 5 October 2012

    I’ve always loved your eye for all things beautiful and precious, and this time I HAD to comment! These pictures are STUNNING, I feel so swayed and in love with them! Beautiful!

  11. Jill 6 October 2012

    Sigh, such beauty and deliciousness!! I can’t wait to go one day!!

  12. Beauty Follower 9 October 2012

    Pretty yummy photos!

  13. Erica 10 October 2012

    I can’t thank you enough for showing how beautiful my homeland is. Yes, Italy is not only bad politicians and mafia and economical problems… Italy is divine foods, stunning scenery, inimitable history and wonderful people 🙂

    • Haleigh 10 October 2012

      I very much agree Erica! Italy is a place that has been very good to me, beautiful places, welcoming people, delicious food.

  14. Kathlene 4 May 2015

    Las empresas de todo el planeta están muy atentas a la dura normativa que Europa desea imponer en materia de protección de datos.


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